History of Computing – We’re sure that revolution is the first word that crosses your mind when you talk about computing. This is fundamental because, over the years,  computer technology has not stopped evolving.

This has led us to a scenario where you have at your disposal inventions and devices that, if you look closely, it is even possible that did not exist a few months ago.

This evolution of computing and technology is easily verifiable by any user. That is, it is not necessary to be an expert to realize it.

Look at the specs of every new cell phone, tablet, or laptop that hits the market every few weeks. They all offer greater processing capacity in the same space or some gadget that will place them above the rest of the competition.

The first beneficiary of the evolution of computing is, of course, the user.

However, the constant technological change can also be confusing to many. In this sense, it can push many people to think that their device, purchas perhaps a few months ago, is already old and useless.

Despite all the edges, it cannot be argued that information technology has forever transform the way we used to do things.

Fashionable this column, we are going to talk about computing and how it relates to the modern world and people in a clear, understandable and non-technical way.

The Evolution of Computing

Computing has reach a level that until recently was unthinkable. We can talk about 30, 40 or 50 years, which in some ways seems like a long time. However, in terms of technological evolution, it is just the blink of an eye.

This means that computing was born and expand to unsuspect limits in a relatively short time.

The capacity and performance that a simple tablet has today, a few decades ago, could only be obtained with huge print circuits and many electronic components. Before that, immense structures full of vacuum tubes, coils and kilometres of cables were locat in places specially condition for it.

This evolution in information technology has allowed us to build a world to suit us, where everything can be measur, catalogu and put in its place.

And although it seems that we are talking about some dystopian novel, the truth is that in these times, technology is us much more for good than evil.

Among the advantages that computing offers us today are air control, medical and scientific research, communications and a long etcetera.

The truth is that none of this would be possible without the advances that have been made in computing in recent years, both in hardware and software. Computing advances, research speeds up, new devices are creat, and computing advances again.

Fortunately, this is the Cycle of Evolution That is Giving Humanity so Many Good Results.

This is demonstrated by the enormous number of devices that you have in use at home, at work, in the car or even as part of your clothing.

All of this evolves dizzily, making them increasingly powerful and capable. All of these devices allow you to do things you history of computing

For a long time, in all corners of the world, Humanity has been searching for a method that would allow it to symbolize and manage information.

In this way, it could be standardiz, and in this way, it could be analyzed anywhere and at any time by people with the necessary knowledge.

This information would be available to consult or modify according to the needs. It couldn’t before, and may even be beneficial to your health.

History of Computing

For a long time, in all corners of the world, Humanity has been searching for a method that would allow it to symbolize and manage information.

In this way, it could be standardiz and analyz anywhere and at any time by people with the necessary knowledge.

This information would be available to consult or modify according to the needs.

This is something that start with knots in ropes, went through clay tablets and to the first calculating machines. Humanity has always found a way to improve itself and its inventions.

All this  a few years later, to us being able to land a space probe on the surface of an asteroid to confirm what they are made of.

This Path Pegan When Humanity Industrialized,

and its needs became more challenging to solve. From there to having one or more computers, smartphones, tablets and other unique electronic gadgets in your own home, there was only one step.

To try to understand  how the history of computing develop,  you have to understand a fundamental point:

It all started with Humanity’s need to manipulate and remember information symbolically safely.

We can assure you that computing was born in the mid-1940s.

However, being a little more rigorous, we must mention that computing has at least four stages of development.

First Act – History of Computing

The first of the acts in this kind of historical play takes place in the ancient world. It began when the wise men of that time start to perform calculations with the help of ordinary objects in their environment, such as stones.

At this point, it should be not that the word  “calculus”  has its origin in the Latin term  “Calculi”,  that is to say, “little stone”.

From there, it evolved until it reach abacuses and calculation boards. Elements can still be us without problems to make calculations of all kinds.

Second Act

The play’s second act is perhaps the most important of all since it should be consider. The point where computing began its path:  The creation of ENIAC.

This tube computer was a military device capable of tracing the direction of a projectile without having to carry out the relevant field tests.

ENIAC, an acronym for  Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer.  Whose translation into Spanish is  “Electronic Numerical Calculator and Integrator”,  was releas to the public in February 1946.

It should be not that it had approximately 18,000 valves in its electronics.

At this point, there are certain discrepancies. Since sure researchers maintain that before ENIAC, The English already had  “Colossus” in service.

Of the latter, several units were manufactur during World War II to help decipher German codes.

In this sense, it should be renown that there was also a predecessor to both machines. Although it never came into operation. This device could perform calculations at high speeds using vacuum tubes.

John V. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry developed this computer at Iowa University in 1942.

third Act

The third act of this work takes place at the end of the 1970s, precisely in 1977. When Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak present the Apple II to the world.

Why should we consider this fact a turning point in this story?

Although the  Altair 8800 is first on the list.  Because it was launch earlier on the market, it was impractical when it came to being us.

This, unfortunately, made it a device for people “in the know”. However, he managed to give the initial push for the computer world to spread rapidly.

What Changed History is the Apple II.

This computer, together with the subsequent IBM PC, managed to displace. Computing from universities and large companies to homes around the globe.