What is the Publicity? What is it for, What – Advertising is a set of strategies aimed at publicizing products and services to society.

However, it is not only about letting people know that you exist but also about giving a particular reputation to what is offered.

Without this sponsored communication, it would be very complex to position yourself in the minds of consumers as something of good quality.

When talking about advertising, we must remember that there are many ways to do it and approaches. Understanding your objective and how it will help us in our company results is essential.

There is that of users who seek to avoid it by changing the TV channel or doing the famous zapping.

There is also that of communication agencies when they win prizes for their best-executed campaigns.

And, of course, some brands and companies use it to increase sales, achieve notoriety, or offer new products and services to the market.

In addition, today’s advertising is divided between offline and more traditional, developed in the digital environment.

What is advertising, and what is it for?

Advertising containers are a communication formula companies pay to advertise in the different media available in the market. However, given the mediums in which businesses can advertise, there are many types of advertising.

Offline advertising. We can list the main ones: press advertising, radio advertising, TV advertising, outdoor advertising, and direct advertising are among some of the offline formats.

Digital advertising. Within online sponsored communication, there are many alternatives: video, search engine ads, display, social networks, email marketing, etc.

Depending on the business objectives, some advertising formats or others should be used. Deciding on the media plan is one of the essential strategic phases when creating an advertising campaign. This will be, along with measurement, the key to making the most appropriate decisions to enhance the brand’s image, notoriety and sales.

Concepts that from Cyberclick we consider that you should not lose sight of within advertising, and more, within digital advertising are these:

Social media advertising.

Where is our audience? Most are on social media, meaning we cannot leave social ads out of our advertising investment strategy. Remember, Google and Facebook are the two great advertising platforms today in the digital environment.

Advertising on Facebook.

It is the queen of social networks, and many companies will not be able to leave Facebook Ads aside. The possibilities of campaigns, types of objectives and formats, the variety of audience segmentation and many other parameters allow us to impact our correct target at the right time.

Advertising on Twitter.

Twitter Ads is one of the most interesting current platforms for advertising. With a stable audience and very focused on recent news. The first place you will find what is happening worldwide is on Twitter. Although users’ growth has stagnated, this social media community is very active. A medium-high target, well-trained and concerned about the here and now. You will find that Twitter followers are precious to your business.

Advertising on LinkedIn.

The professional network is par excellence at an international level. Most managers and employees have posted their CVs on this network and use it for networking. By LinkedIn Ads, you will find a well-segmented target predisposed to listen to your message. The average costs are slightly higher than in other social networks, but with an excellent ROI.

Advertising on Instagram.

The most fashionable social network at the moment. The millennial generation is very present on Instagram and is very active. In addition, the growth of users does not stop growing—the ideal advertising platform for any company with a goal between 18 and 35 years old. Do not ignore Instagram Ads.

Online Advertising Agency.

Don’t know which agency to choose? You want to understand better how companies in the digital advertising sector work. So keep this concept in mind and discover more about it.

Advertising campaign.

Texts, copy, images, videos, segmentation, advertising channels, etc. These concepts are closely associated with an advertising campaign and understood as a group of creations and ideas that aim to sell a product or service.

Online Advertising or Digital Advertising.

Advertising in the digital environment or on the Internet is called online or digital advertising. Discover the differences between traditional advertising and targeted advertising on the network.

Types of advertising.

There are many advertising or advertising actions, but they must be used at the right time within the user’s conversion funnel because each advertising format is more effective in one phase or another (in the TOFU, MOFU or BOFU). It is best to discover how the Funnel Advertising methodology works to find the Internet advertising types and when they should be used.

The Ten Characteristics of Advertising

Here we leave you a decalogue with the ten most remarkable characteristics of advertising.

It has a promotional purpose, to publicize a product or service and encourage its purchase.

The situation’s primary function is to persuade the consumer.

It is part of the company’s marketing strategy, whether online or offline.

Advertising is, addressed to a specific buyer persona.

It has, costs for the advertiser (a company that pays for advertising).

Advertising seems to be original and capture people’s attention.

Employ a wide variety of innovative products and channels.

One of its foundations is the repetition of the message so that it sinks in with the audience.

Mainly it usually offers personalized products or services.

Advertising must be ethical.

Advertising Strategy

The design phase of the campaign, or advertising strategy, consists of different processes we analyze below. Although businesses not in the marketing sector do not give too much importance to this aspect, without a good initial approach, it won’t be easy to achieve the results expected by advertising.

Copy Strategy:

In this procedure, the main idea of ​​the campaign is defined. It must include the brand’s objectives and then sent to the creative team that will transform that initial proposal into final advertising content.

Creative strategy:

Once the product is obtained in the previous phase, it is analyzed by the creative department in two steps. The first one is the content. The “copies” take care of that, betting on creating messages and arguments that convince the end user. The second is encoding. In this process, the announcement of the copy is transformed into a final art that can include images, videos, infographics or specific fonts. It is part of the visual design carried out by advertising creatives.

Media Strategy:

Once the two previous steps have been defined, it remains to specify in which media the already designed campaign will be published. Everything will depend on the scope and segmentation objectives required by the company. The idea is to analyze all the options until you find the perfect plan.

When a brand wants to invest in advertising, it is not enough to be clear about the message to be communicated in a specific strategy. Within the creative approach, critical coding processes are carried out that transform business proposals into stories with content to share. Advertising language is essential to connect with the public. No one would dream of launching an ad saying, “Buy from me”. However, this is the corporate objective. This proposal must be transformed before throwing it on the market.

One of the transformation options is to bet on the creation of a powerful corporate slogan. It is one of the strategies that work best in the market. Thanks to them, an advantageous position is achieved in people’s minds. For example, it is worth remembering the sample of a well-known car brand: Do you like to drive? The potential public always remembers that company and its cars with a phrase that can be used in everyday life. Moreover, thanks to this simple but effective message, BMW is always in the top 3 automotive brands when asked basic questions such as: Tell me the name of the brands that first come to mind.

Other specific formulas of the language of advertising are related to music. Although it is not currently a format widely use by brands, many of them have manage to make their consumers remember them by humming catchy songs. A good example in Spain is the song by Cola Cao Who doesn’t remember her?

Differences Between Online Advertising vs Offline

With the arrival of the Internet, a series of advertising formats appeared that are grouped under the concept of online advertising. Just one of the most important differences between advertising typologies is that. If the medium or support used in a campaign is online, then we are talking about online advertising. If not, these campaigns are referred to as offline advertising actions.

A good advertising campaign can count on both typologies to achieve its objectives. However, for a series of reasons that we specify below, investment in online media and support has been increasing in recent years. Every time companies asked about their advertising budgets, it is almost always verified that year after year, they consider a more significant investment in the network.

The cost.

It is impossible to generalize with all the different offline and online advertising types. There are more and less expensive actions. But, on the Internet, high effectiveness can achieved at a much more reasonable price than conventional advertising campaigns.

Direct Conversion vs Hint.

The top of the most extreme significant changes during salaried correspondence communicated in traditional media regarding Internet promotion is in the transformation rate. On the network, the user exposed to a campaign with which he can interact immediately. For example: see an ad, click on it, go to the store and buy, and this cannot achieved with the other advertising typology.

They are hiring metrics and methods.

Digital advertising statistics are highly accurate and easily obtainable. All data from all users is accessible to the advertiser. Urbane off occasions it is non-likely toward achieving them. Organizations should agree to a delegate test of client reach, similar to the case, for instance, with TV evaluations. Also, web-based promotion can contracted very quickly. In traditional media, you possess to have more energy for distribution.

Real-time adjustments.

Another advantage of the digital world focused on the adjustments of advertising campaigns over time. With targeted analysis using metrics, a company can change its investment strategy in minutes if it has opted for paid online communication.

Target scope.

The discussion about online and offline advertising is still on the table. It is true that for digital ads to reach the public, they must have the Internet. And that can be a barrier. Moreover, it is no rarer true that the network allows a broad segmentation to reach those segments of the population considered a specific target. The opposite occurs in offline media. They can run large masses of the population but without particular filters.

Advertising is a must for businesses.

It is necessary to design strategies specifically designed for your products to make them known and create a good reputation for them in the target market. As you have seen, it is not such a simple process, which is why we recommend entrusting this task to professionals specialized in the sector who offer you the best results.