Instagram for business: Is there a positive impact that users can follow hashtags on this social platform? So I dusted off my Community Manager suit (you know, getting into the role) and found five ways this functionality can help.

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Instagram for business: Is there a positive impact that users can follow hashtags on this social platform? So I dusted off my Community Manager suit (you know, getting into the role) and found five ways this functionality can help.

On several occasions, I have heard (and read) people questioning the value of hashtags on social networks since they understand that they are only used to make noise in publications. It hasn’t been just 2 or 3 times that students or clients have approached me asking about its true importance (as well as the importance of influencers?), and I have explained to them that it lies mainly in need to classify content. And that platforms such as Twitter and Instagram influence engagement, that is, the level of interaction of a publication.

Follow Hashtags, Instagram For Business

Instagram recently launched the “Follow Hashtags” functionality, which opens up a world of possibilities not only for users but also for businesses that include this social platform as part of their digital presence. So, without much preamble, here are some benefits that, as a business, I understand you can get from this functionality:

1. Segmented Content – Instagram for Business: 5 Benefits of “Follow Hashtags”

Following hashtags provide an excellent plus to the classification of your content, encouraging you to have a higher level of organization when developing it.

It’s as simple as creating a unique and different hashtag for each content theme of your brand. You can motivate people (even with social ads) to follow them to receive only and exclusively the content that interests them.

In other words, although the content for different audiences continues to coexist in the same feed, users can now only follow the hashtags that interest them and miss all the irrelevant content.

2. Facing the user: Freedom

Part of the beauty of social media is that users choose what to follow and what not to follow, what content to consume and what not to. However, even within that democracy, when following you, that consumer also has to consume certain content that they may not be interested in since, as I said in the previous point, all your content lives in the same feed.

Now, this functionality of Instagram offers the user even more freedom to choose the content they want to consume on this social platform, since they cannot decide to follow you but to follow the hashtag you use to share a specific topic, so; that way, he is not yet your follower, he will consume your content.

3. Increased Organic Reach

On the one hand, there are the hashtags that you create, which are unique to your business, and on the other hand, there are those hashtags that the users themselves have created, under which content is published on a regular and massive basis. For example, we have the HT #RepúblicaDominicana with more than 2 million publications, which are updated every second.

Now that people will start following their favourite HTs. It is an opportunity that you can take advantage of to increase your visibility by using those HTs in your publications. And you can get your content to be seen organically (that is. Without paying for advertising) for people who don’t follow you

PRO TIP 1: Take advantage of your industry and content HTs. Under no circumstances do you resort to the destructive practice of starting to put HTs in your posts indiscriminately. Especially when said HT is trending. Do not become a SPAMMER. For example, suppose your business is located in the colonial zone. In that case, it is valid for you to use the HTs #zonacolonial #zonacolonialrd. But if you have a store outside that zone, using it would be SPAM.

PRO TIP 2: Do not abuse this functionality only to promote yourcommercial content. Please take advantage of it to enrich. The consumer experience with an excellent range of value that contributes to it, entertains it, etc. EYE: it’s not that you don’t do it; you don’t abuse.

4. More Followers

How often have you started following an account because you somehow came across their content and liked it? So just as your organic reach will increase If your content is good, impactful and has the “hook” effect. It is confident that your number of followers will also increase.

PRO TIP: be careful with your posts, so you don’t generate the bounce effect. You manage to attract followers. But those followers abandon you because you abused the number of posts or published a lot of junk content.

5. Monitoring


Knowing what is being published on a specific topic is now a more straightforward job. Since instead of going hashtag by hashtag to do that monitoring job. You will only have to follow them to receive that information in your feed.